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What is your State Government legislating in response to the public liability crisis?

The Federal, State and Territory Governments will discuss their collective response to the public liability crisis at the next Ministerial Meeting on September 27, 2002, in Sydney.

For details of the first negligence Review report prepared for the Federal Government you can go to http://assistant.treasurer.gov.au/atr/content/pressreleases/2002/091.asp


The Civil Liabilities Act (2002) has been introduced. It will

The Civil Liability Amendment (Personal Responsibilities) Bill 2002 has been released for consultation. If enacted this Bill would:

Three leading insurers, Allianz Australia Insurance Ltd, NRMA Insurance, and QBE Insurance (Australia) Ltd, are to set up a co-insurance panel which would remove a major barrier to many NSW based not-for-profit community groups gaining access to public liability insurance. Because it involves the pooled resources of three competitors, the proposal needs approval from the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission before it can proceed.
The Government has introduced three bills: the Statutes Amendment (Structured Settlements) Bill 2002, the Recreational Services (Limitation of Liability) Bill 2002 and the Wrongs (Liability and Assessment of Damages) Amendment Bill 2002.  
These bills will:
The Premier, Steve Bracks announced a second wave of insurance reforms to help resolve problems in public liability. These include:

Many community Groups in Victoria have access to the Community Groups Insurance Scheme that can be accessed at www.communityinsurance.com.au.
The Personal Injuries Proceedings Act 2002 has been passed and the Act will be made retrospective. There will be also be a second stage of the Act.
The Tasmanian Treasurer, Dr David Crean has satted recently that "Many of the public liability insurance reforms now being introduced by other States are already in place in Tasmania."

These reforms include:
Dr Crean said the State Government was also examining the practicality of capping insurance pay-outs.
"The important question is whether or not capping pay-outs will have any effect on premiums.
The State Government's Public Liability contact line has been available for some time now and the number to ring from anywhere in Tasmanian is 1800 003 533.

Many community Groups in Tasmania have access to the Community Groups Insurance Scheme that can be accessed at www.communityinsurance.com.au.
The West Australian Government has introduced the Civil Liability Bill 2002 with the aim of helping to  reduce the cost of insurance and its availability to the wider community, by:
The ACT Government is committed to providing the Australian Capital Region Community & Small Business Sector with the skills to obtain the most cost Effective Public Liability and Professional Indemnity insurance available by raising the awareness of risk management in the region.

The ACT Department of Treasury is hosting free training courses on:

Course Name:
Creating and Maintaining a Risk Management Plan

When and where:
Please see the bottom of this page for venue addresses.

No. Day    Date     Venue
43 Tuesday 15-06-04 Belconnen
44 Monday  12-07-04 Tuggeranong
45 Monday  09-08-04 Belconnen
46 Monday  06-09-04 Tuggeranong
47 Tuesday 05-10-04 Cooma
48 Monday  01-11-04 Queanbeyan
49 Monday  29-11-04 Belconnen

8:30 am - 4:00 pm

At the conclusion of the course you should:
* Have the beginnings of your risk management plan, including;
* A risk register,
* Risk action plans,
* Be able to identify major risks,
* Have a treatment plan for major risks,
* Know the importance of risk management for your organisation.

Course Outline:
1. Explain the requirement for Risk Management.
2. Introduction to national standards AS /NZS 4360:1999.
3. Establishing a Risk Management policy.
4. The Risk Management process.
5. The importance of monitoring and review.
6. Commence a Risk Management Plan appropriate to individual requirements. 7. ACT Government assistance and web sites.

The only things you will need to provide are your own transport and an enthusiasm to participate in a very rewarding day.

The course venues will be fully serviced and refreshments will be provided.

Booking Details:
To book a place on these courses, please ring Kevin Wenman on (02) 620 70318.

Venue Addresses:

The Conference Room
Volunteering ACT
Canberra Labor Club Community Chambers
Chandler St (cnr Cameron Ave)
6251 4060

The Southern Cross Club Tuggeranong
Cnr Pitman & Holwell Sts
6293 7200

Comfort Inn Airport
57 - 73 Yass Road
6297 7877

Snowy Monaro Business Enterprise Centre Inc
38 Bombala Street
6452 5392

The ACT Government has also provided a free online risk plan creation tool that downloads a finished personalised risk plan to a users computer. This can be found at http://www.insuranceriskadvice.act.gov.au/
As part of its plan to tackle rising public liability costs in the Territory, Chief Minister and Treasurer, Clare Martin, today detailed a package of Government measures.

Heading the list is law reform with Government negotiating with Trowbridge Consulting (the national public liability consultants) to assist in developing appropriate NT laws and legal practice reform, including:

  • Tort Law Reforms - legislating to cap thresholds for general damages and placing caps on loss of future earning capacity (caps will not apply to medical expense).
  • Discount rate for loss of earnings damages to be set at 5%.
  • Prohibit claims arising from criminal activity and taking into account recreational drug use (including alcohol) in compensation payouts.
  • Place limits on circumstances, and amount, of damages allocated to family careers.
  • Introduction of compulsory conferencing or mediation prior to the commencement of court proceedings.

The legislative changes are expected to be introduced in the October sittings.

A raft of other changes committed to by Government include:

  • Legislation to exempt volunteers from any threat of public liability action.
  • Legislation to implement national solutions for structured settlements.
  • Limits on legal advertising.

The Chief Minister also announced that the Northern Territory would join the Queensland Grouping Scheme to provide assistance for not-for-profit and community groups.

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552 Victoria Street
North Melbourne, Victoria, 3051
(PO Box 354 North Melbourne 3051 Victoria)
Telephone (03) 9320 6800   Email service@ourcommunity.com.au