Insurance Centre Helping Community Groups Manage Risk and Secure Insurance

Australian Community Groups Insurance Scheme

Introducing the Community Insurance Centre

Establishing the Community Insurance & Risk Management Centre
Our Community is working on the development of a national insurance scheme for community groups.
It is important for you to register your interest so that we can attract insurers who are still reluctant to provide cover.

The Australian Community Group Insurance Scheme

Our Community and many other key contributors are working on the development of a national pooling arrangement where community groups of all types - and from all sectors in all states and territories - can reap the benefit of an aggregated market, but also receive insurance products and services that are specifically tailored for community organisations. We will keep you informed of all the latest news through our updates in our free "OurCommunity Matters" Newsletter - Simply sign up to become a member by registering here

To register your interest click on the image above right and complete your details.

Where to Buy Your Public Liability Insurance:

New South Wales
Northern Territory
South Australia
Western Australia

Where to Buy Your Public Liability Insurance


NRMA, Allianz and QBE have joined together to form a partnership to cover community groups throughout NSW and ACT.  It is now up and running and you can obtain a quotation at

You can also try Meals on Wheels NSW - contact Stephen Clarke (email: Telephone (02) 9281 5733. This group has an arrangement with ACE Insurance to provide cover for community groups. Groups need to become an associate member of Meals on Wheels at a cost of $44 each year.

New South Wales

NRMA, Allianz and QBE have joined together to form a partnership to cover community groups throughout NSW and ACT.  It is now up and running and you can obtain a quotation at

You can also try Meals on Wheels NSW - contact Stephen Clarke (email: Telephone (02) 9281 5733. This group has an arrangement with ACE Insurance to provide cover for community groups. Groups need to become an associate member of Meals on Wheels at a cost of $44 each year.

Northern Territory

he Queensland and Northern Territory Government's Not For Profit Group Liability Insurance Scheme is undergoing changes.Until these details are finalised and their website can be updated, please contact AON's Not For Profit Group Liability Insurance Scheme Department with any questions you have regarding the scheme . The following contact details are provided:
Telephone No:    1300 309 797
Facsimile No:    (61) 7 3223 7545

The Territory Government has established a Hotline to give advice and information to business and community organisations regarding public liability insurance. The Hotline runs weekdays from 9-00am to 4-00pm.

To contact the Hotline, telephone 1800 600 032.


The Queensland and Northern Territory Government's Not For Profit Group Liability Insurance Scheme is undergoing changes.Until these details are finalised and their website can be updated, please contact AON's Not For Profit Group Liability Insurance Scheme Department with any questions you have regarding the scheme . The following contact details are provided:
Telephone No:    1300 309 797
Facsimile No:    (61) 7 3223 7545

South Australia
South Australia does not have any established scheme specifically for community groups. Many groups may have existing arrangements through local councils and should refer to the appropriate community representative in their local area.

If you still are unable to get cover we suggest that you try major insurance brokers such as:
*    AON Insurance:        Telephone (08) 8301 1111
*    Marsh Insurance        Telephone (08) 8211 7655
*    Jardine Lloyd Thompson    Telephone (08) 8224 0288


The Municipal Association of Victoria and the Local Government Association of Tasmania in conjuction with Our Community have developed the Community Groups Insurance Scheme for non profit community groups in those states. This also provides cover for festivals and events.

To obtain on online quotation Click Here 

Sport - refer to peak bodies otherwise specialist sport brokers such as
*    Jardine Sport & Leisure    Telephone (03) 96131415
*    Sportscover      Telephone (03) 9721 4700
*    IEA Brokers      Telephone (03) 9826 0888

In the first instance you should attempt some of the major brokers - such as:
*    Marsh Insurance     Telephone (03) 9603 2222
*    AON Insurance     Telephone (03) 9211 3000
*    Jardine Lloyd Thomson     Telephone (03) 9613 1415

another broker who has been helpful for some groups in difficulty is:

Stewart Haig Brokers - Contact Jason Toy (03) 9529 7777

The Tasmanian Government has also established a Community Insurance Fund to support thjose groups unable to afford or locate cover. For more details contact the Department of Treasury's public liability insurance help line is 1800 003 533. 


The Municipal Association of Victoria and the Local Government Association of Tasmania in conjuction with Our Community have developed the Community Groups Insurance Scheme for non profit community groups in those states. This also provides cover for festivals and events.

To obtain on online quotation Click Here 

As the City of Greater Dandenong is not a contributor to the Local Government Insurance scheme, Groups from City of Greater Dandenong should contact the local council who are referring groups to Triton Insurance on (02) 9909 2888.

Sport - refer to peak bodies otherwise specialist sport brokers such as
*    Jardine Sport & Leisure    Telephone (03) 96131415
*    Sportscover      Telephone (03) 9721 4700
*    IEA Brokers      Telephone (03) 9826 0888

In the first instance you should attempt some of the major brokers - such as:
*    Marsh Insurance     Telephone (03) 9603 2222
*    AON Insurance     Telephone (03) 9211 3000
*    Jardine Lloyd Thomson     Telephone (03) 9613 1415

another broker who has been helpful for some groups in difficulty is:

Stewart Haig Brokers - Contact Jason Toy (03) 9529 7777

Western Australia

The State Government of WA has established a new Community Insurance Fund to assist community organisations to obtain affordable policies and cover in the wake of the insurance crisis.

Examples of community organisations to be considered for cover under the new fund include social service groups, cultural and arts organisations, environmental bodies and sporting clubs and associations.

The classes of insurance cover to be provided to eligible community organisations through the Community Insurance Fund include public liability; professional liability; medical treatment liability; workers' compensation; property; motor vehicle; and personal accident.

Community organisations should contact the Insurance Commission of WA on Telephone (08) 9264 3333 for further information about how to join the Community Insurance Fund.

For further details refer to:

Community groups in WA can also gain access to the NRMA, Allianz and QBE partnership.  It is now up and running and you can obtain a quotation at

risk management pages

This Centre will be the central repository of information resources such as Help Sheets, information on Training Seminars and Services, Risk Management Data, Online Assessment Tools and Checklists to assist in managing your community insurance needs.

Click on one of the topics below to access the relevent help sheet

General Risk Management and Insurance Help Sheets
Help Sheet 1: Why implement a risk management program?
Help Sheet 2: What types of insurance cover may I need and why?
Help Sheet 3: Introducing Risk Management Into Your Organisation
Help Sheet 4: An introduction to Risk Management
Help Sheet 5: The Main Areas of Risk Management for Community Groups
Help Sheet 6: The Roles of Committees in Risk Management
Help Sheet 7: Managing Your Volunteers
Help Sheet 8: Ten Steps For a Safer Organisation
Help Sheet 9: What are the Legal Obligations of my Group?
Help Sheet 10: An Introduction to the Risk Management Process
Help Sheet 11: Top ten tips to securing a better insurance deal

Step by Step Guides to Implementing Risk Management for Your Group (The Seven Stages)
Based on the Australian Standard for Risk Management (AS/NZS4360)

Help Sheet Stage 1:Establishing a Context for Risk Management in Your Organisation
Help Sheet Stage 2:Communicating Risk Management to Your Organisation
Help Sheet Stage 3:Identifying Risks in Your Organisation
Help Sheet Stage 4:Analysing Risks in Your Organisation
Help Sheet Stage 5:Evaluating Risks in Your Organisation
Help Sheet Stage 6:Treating Risks in Your Organisation
Help Sheet Stage 7:Monitoring and Reviewing Risks in Your Organisation

Risk Management Help Sheets for Sports Clubs

Developed by VicSport
Help Sheet 1: Ten Commandments
Help Sheet 2: What can we do about it?
Help Sheet 3: What should your risk management policy look like?
Help Sheet 4: Introducing the risk management concept to your organisation
Help Sheet 5: Risk management policy implementation
Help Sheet 6: Coach Risk Management Practices
Help Sheet 7: Case study
Help Sheet 8: Monitoring Risk Management Plan

Volunteer Insurance

Volunteering Australia have an arrangement with AON Insurance for volunteer cover.  Interested organisations can contact AON on the numbers below:

National 1800 806 584     
*    Kristy Arnold    Tel (02) 9253 7713
*    Charles Clark    Tel (02) 9253 7827
*    Gavin Deadman    Tel (02) 9253 7542

Other insurers can provide quotes for volunteer cover (personal injury):
*    Stewart Haig Brokers - contact Jason Toy (03) 9529-7777
*    Aradlay Insurance - Telephone Vic (03) 9867 3866 or NSW (02) 9953 7722

A word of caution - Unauthorised Insurers

There are some brokers who are offering cover to community groups that is provided by an unauthorised insurer. This means that they are not authorised insurers under Australian law and are therefore not subject to the same level of prudential regulation as authorised insurers.
Current legislation (Insurance (Agents and Brokers) Act 1984) allows insurance brokers or registered foreign insurance agents to offer and provide consumers with access to insurance products sourced from foreign insurers who are not authorised insurers under Australian law. In these instances legislation also requires that the insurance broker or foreign agent provide the consumer with appropriate notification and disclosure regarding the placement of business with such a foreign insurer.
A list of all companies authorised to conduct insurance business in Australia appears on APRA's website at The APRA call centre on 1300 131060 can answer queries about the license status of individual companies.

Stall Holder Insurance

When holdimg a festival or market individual stall holders are not covered by your public liability insurance. It is recommended that all stallholders have thier own insurance. One possibility is for them to source stall holder insurance. Some possible sources of this insurance are listed below:

Freeman McMurrick - Phone: (03) 9867 5677

Wyndham Insurance Agency - Phone: (03) 5821 7655

Aradlay Insurance Brokers - Phone: (02) 9953 7722

The Australian Community Group Insurance Scheme
Our Community and many other key contributors are working on the development of a national pooling arrangement where community groups of all types - and from all sectors in all states and territories - can reap the benefit of an aggregated market, but also receive insurance products and services that are specifically tailored for community organisations. We will keep you informed of all the latest news through our updates in our free "OurCommunity Matters" Newsletter - Simply sign up to become a member by registering here

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