Wingate Avenue Community Centre

Role: Treasurer Type: Not-for-Profit & Community Organisations Location: Victoria, Moonee Valley City Council
Human services Community development Education Health
Annual Budget: more than $1,500,000
Number of Paid Staff: 21 - 50
Number of Volunteers: 6-20
Current Board Size: 8-12
Board Meetings (frequency): every two months
Board Meetings Held: At Night

Area of Expertise Being Sought:
Accounting / Finance / Investment

Board Meetings (Mode):
Face-to-face, Online/Dial-in, Usually face-to-face but occasionally remote and sometimes a mix


Nil - honorary role

Any further information about this vacancy:

Wingate Avenue Community Centre provides services and programs to the community living in the Ascot Vale public housing estate and surrounding areas, with a priority for people experiencing barriers to participating.

WingCC is looking for a board member who has financial experience to shore up the Committee of Management's experience.

The Position - Treasurer

The Committee Member will bring professional and personal experience to the Committee of Management to support the governance of Wingate Avenue Community Centre, which is a not-for-profit, incorporated entity.

As part of the Committee of Management (CoM), Committee Members oversee the strategic direction and governance of the Centre, including financial management and funding streams, organisational policy, risk management, compliance, and administration.

The Centre’s mission is to focus on social justice, advocacy and action on behalf of local people who are experiencing disadvantage, which we believe will lead to improving the quality of life and empowerment for all in the local community. To achieve this, our core aim is to be aware of, and responsive to, the changing needs and aspirations of residents, particularly those experiencing barriers to participation.

Our objectives are:

  • To remove barriers to participation.
  • To provide services which meet the needs of our local community.
  • To improve the learning opportunities and overall quality of life of the local community.
  • To support local people in developing pathways to employment or further education.
  • To undertake and encourage community development activities and processes.
  • To build and promote a sense of community and neighbourliness based on harmony, understanding and respect for difference.
  • To advocate on issues and developments which impact on the wellbeing of the local community.
  • To encourage, promote and support volunteerism wherever possible.

Committee Members play an integral role in achieving the Centre’s aims and objectives. Their professional and personal experience in key areas will support the General Manager to operationalize the Centre’s goals and strategic plan through current programs, emerging opportunities and administration of business practices.

The Workplace

Wingate Avenue Community Centre (WingCC) was established in 1985 and is a busy, vibrant community- managed neighbourhood house, located in the heart of the Ascot Vale public housing estate.  The centre is a not for profit, incorporated association governed by a Committee of Management, made up of local community members that provide the governance structure and strategic direction for the centre’s management.

WingCC provides multiple place-based services, including occasional childcare, education programs, employment support services, community programs and activities. The centre is a registered training organisation that delivers non-accredited and accredited courses, including Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP), Skills First and Adult Community & Further Education (ACFE).

Co-located services at the Centre include the Moonee Valley Legal Service, maternal and child health, Anglicare Financial Counselling, Community Collective provisional psychologist, Uniting Parents Next, and Cultivating Communities community garden. The Centre’s facilities include two computer labs, a commercial kitchen, a 19-place childcare centre, five training rooms and a community shed.

The Centre believes that providing community programs and activities is an integral part of a whole-of-centre approach to supporting individuals to overcome disadvantage, in order to improve their quality of life, in ways that they choose. WingCC strives to achieve this by providing services, programs, courses, and activities that are relevant to the community, are accessible, and are of outstanding quality.


Position Goal

The Committee of Management is a voluntary group of people, elected by the members to govern the organisation on their behalf. Committee members are responsible for ensuring that all strategic decisions and actions align with the Centre’s mission. They come together for the purpose of overseeing financial management and funding streams, organisational policy, risk management, compliance, and administration.

The CoM which governs the Centre, not a single Committee Member (although individual members may adopt Office Bearer roles within the CoM).

Each Committee Member will contribute to the governance of the Centre:

  • Participate in CoM meetings which occur once a month. Committee Members are expected to attend every meeting unless there are extenuating circumstances. Meetings are held in person on site, noting video conference facilities can be utilised if required, from time to time.
  • Act and make decisions which are in the best interest of the Centre, ensure financial stability, and maintain transparency in financial dealings.
  • Work with the General Manager to support the guidance of the Centre’s strategic direction and monitor the implementation of strategic initiatives.
  • Work with the General Manager to ensure legal compliance and uphold ethical standards across all operations.
  • Act as a sounding board for matters on which the GM seeks advice on from the CoM.
  • Maintain an active interest in matters affecting the Centre and bring relevant knowledge and capabilities.
  • Declare any potential conflict of interest relating to tabled issues, or issues discussed or voted on.
  • Act in accordance with Wingate Avenue Community Centre’s Rules, 2021.
  • Deliver governance support in accordance with the centre’s mission, aims, objectives, values, and Strategic Plan.

Roles and Responsibilities

Responsibilities of elected positions is provided in the 2021 Constitution (also known as the Rules). Further description is provided below.


The Chairperson runs the committee meetings. They are also a contact person for funding bodies (along with the General Manager) and are able to speak on behalf of the CoM. They work closely with the Secretary to organise meetings and agenda for meetings unless this task is delegated to the General Manager. Usually, the Chairperson will have a sound understanding of the community centre, its goals and operations.

The Chairperson will be responsible for regularly assessing the performance of the General Manager and the effectiveness of the Centre’s programs and services

Deputy Chairperson

If a Deputy Chairperson is appointed, they can stand in for the Chairperson and would also have a sound understanding of the community centre.


The Secretary is the record keeper for the CoM (apart from financial records), unless this task is delegated to the General Manager. The Secretary is responsible for:

  • Taking Minutes of the meeting and distributing.
  • Keeping record of memberships.

Note: Much of this is done by Centre staff, but the Secretary ensures these responsibilities are completed.


The Treasurer monitors the finances of the Centre. In consultation with the General Manager, bookkeeper and auditor, the Treasurer sets the budget and presents it to the CoM for approval. They keep the CoM informed of the Centre’s financial position monthly and make recommendations about the Centre’s financial capacity. It is important that this position has a good understanding of finances.


The CoM is made up of ordinary members, who have voting rights. Representatives of the CoM are made up of local professionals who support the purpose of the Association.

Committee members may also be involved in sub-committees, which are formed as needed and may include: Policy Sub-Committee; Finance Sub-Committee; Employment Sub-Committee.

Express an Interest

Once you have filled in the following form, your details will be emailed directly to Wingate Avenue Community Centre. They will contact you on the telephone number and/or email address you provide. We will not disclose your details to anyone apart from the recruiting organisation.

By filling in this form you acknowledge and agree to Our Community's privacy statement.

Good luck with your search!

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