Firekeepers Incorporated

Role: Treasurer Type: Not-for-Profit & Community Organisations Location: Victoria
Environment Community development
Annual Budget: $10,001-$25,000
Number of Paid Staff: 1 - 3
Number of Volunteers: 6-20
Current Board Size: 4-7
Board Meetings (frequency): monthly
Board Meetings Held: At Night

Area of Expertise Being Sought:
Accounting / Finance / Investment

Board Meetings (Mode):

Females, People with Disabilities, Seniors/Retired People, Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander, LGBTQI

Nil - honorary role

Any further information about this vacancy:

Postion Vacant - Treasurer

‘Firekeepers exists to deepen our connection with Earth, Ancestors, Ourselves, Community
and the More-than-human. We offer these strings of connection forward to future generations.’

Come and be part of an organisation that is bringing people back to nature, builds community and provides space where families and individuals from all backgrounds can find a sense of belonging.

Firekeepers is a bunch of playful folks who care about people and the earth.   

We’re a not-for-profit, incorporated organisation that wants to bring humans back to nature. Our goal is to repair the damage of separation and to build nature connected communities (that’s way more fun than it sounds, by the way).

This work is inspired by the 8 Shields mentoring model. Our programs support people to deepen their love for the natural world and to find their place in it. 

Firekeepers is an inclusive, progressive organisation that will speak its mind, wear its heart on its sleeve and call out injustices. But mostly, we just play outside.



Please read the Position Desciption below for further details around the role.

Firekeepers Inc. A0100171L
Treasurer Position Description

Acknowledgement of Country

Firekeepers acknowledges that we work live and play on unceded First Nations lands and waters. We pay our respects to Elders past and present. We choose to do this work of connecting people back to community, self, and nature so that more people living on this stolen land can slow down, learn to listen more deeply and become more connected and careful caretakers of these lands and waters. We know that we have much to learn and are ever grateful for the continuing, resilient and strong culture of First Peoples. Always was, always will be Aboriginal land.

About Firekeepers

Firekeepers is a not-for-profit, women and queer-led, incorporated association facilitating deep Nature Connection experiences and creating nature connected community. Firekeepers is relationship-centred, existing to deepen our connection with Earth, Ancestors, Ourselves, Community and the More-than-human. We offer these strings of connection forward to future generations. We provide opportunities for Deep Nature Connection by offering fun and inspirational programs for our diverse community. Our programs - ranging from multi-day village camps to online mentoring - support people of all ages to deepen their love for the natural world and to find their place in it. Our organisation is grounded in connective modelling techniques and a culture of allowance.


Purpose of the Firekeepers Board:

To provide governance, oversight, and strategic direction, ensuring Firekeepers Inc. is well-managed; financially stable; strategically focused; and operates in a legal and ethical manner. At all times, the board commits to honouring and upholding the values, vision and purpose of Firekeepers. As a board we prioritise transparency, connection, collaboration, diversity, authenticity, and gratitude for all.


Purpose of the role of Treasurer:

  • Overview & report on financial issues and viability to the board
  • Action any financial tasks assigned, and
  • Report to the government, the board, and members of the organisation.

Directly responsible to:

Firekeepers Board of Directors

Roles reporting to this position

  • CEO
  • Admin and Finance Officer (Bookkeeper)

Significant Working Relationships:






Hybrid - working from home with some board meetings held face to face

Board Meetings:

Board Meetings are currently held monthly, via Zoom etc, and are 1.5 - 2hrs in duration.
Several meetings each year are held in person.
We anticipate holding a weekend board gathering at least once each year.


Estimated Voluntary Commitment

12+ hours per month needed to fulfil the role


Key Selection Criteria:

  • Alignment with FK objectives,
  • Understanding and appreciation for Firekeepers purpose, values and goals, and
  • Ability to work collaboratively and flexibly with others.

Attributes and Interpersonal skills:

  • Clear, succinct communication - written and verbal,
  • Ability to work both collaboratively and independently and achieve objectives within the timeframes,
  • Multi-tasking and ability to prioritise tasks,
  • Eagerness to work to the diverse strengths of all board members, and
  • Willingness to responsively modify templates and communication to ensure all board members can understand and respond to the information being presented. 

Technical understanding and computer skills

  • Confidence using collaborative documents and associated online platforms e.g. Google Drive, Microsoft 365, Trello etc or a willingness to learn,
  • Awareness and respect for confidentiality, and
  • Secure record keeping.

Desired qualifications, skills and experience

  • Financial and accounting background,
  • Preferable Quickbooks reporting familiarity, and
  • Previous experience in a similar role or with an organisation with similar values.


Treasurer’s Core Responsibilities and Tasks may include:

Preparation prior to Board Meetings:

  • Preparing financial reports for the board: at a frequency determined by the board, and using a format approved by the board, including:
    • Quarterly expenditure and balance sheet 
    • Performance compared to budget 
    • Financial strategy and liquidity of FK
  • Provide the Secretary with any required financial reports at least 7 days prior to the upcoming meeting,
  • Store all financial documents as requested by the Secretary - currently in the Google Drive.
  • Prepare for the meeting by reading the agenda and any associated documents, and raising and questions or comments using the collaboration functions in the online document.


At Board Meetings:

  • Provide information and advice to the board to help inform financial decisions.
  • Support the board and organisation in annual budgeting and strategic planning.
  • Present the treasurer's report to the board, provide clarity and conciseness, walking  the board through any questions they may have
  • Participate and fulfil all responsibilities of a board director,
  • Manage/chair the Finance sub-committee if one is established.  


Outside of Board Meetings:

  • Meet with the Chair on a regular basis to review activity, issues, desired direction and performance,
  • Provide input to funding submissions on financial aspects,
  • Manage any assigned email or mail received,
  • Manage the debit card entrusted to the Treasurer for the duration of their position for the appropriate year, 
  • Communicate with and provide direction to bookkeeper,
  • Review budgeting and accruals,
  • Record keeping:
    • Maintaining clear, detailed financial records, and storing these in line with the regulatory requirements,
  • Payments and banking:
    • Issuing invoices/receipts for work/services provided,
    • Processing payments as needed (incoming and outgoing),
    • Processing expense claims (validate receipts and claim sheets, arrange cheques to be signed by two signatories), 
    • Monitor the bank accounts for online payments, donations and membership payments as applicable,
    • Banking of received cheques, donations and cash payments,
    • Payment of bills/accounts, ongoing and one offs,
    • Interface with the financial institution/s Firekeepers holds accounts with, 
    • Pay accounts including payments set up in QB by bookkeeper



  • Arrange floats and sales sheets for functions/events if and as required,
  • Oversee any financial record keeping and payment processing required


For the AGM:

  • Prepare annual accounts for AGM reports, using format approved by the board,  
  • Prepare an annual report for Consumer Affairs Victoria (annually),
  • Submit annual report to CAV (in collaboration with Secretary)


 Legal Powers and Responsibilities:


As per the Firekeepers Constitution (derived from MODEL RULES for an INCORPORATED ASSOCIATION, by CONSUMER AFFAIRS VICTORIA. Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012, updated November 18th 2023:

Part 5 - Committee:  Division 2 - Composition of Committee and duties of members:

      Regulation 45 - General Duties of Committee Members

  • As soon as practicable after being elected or appointed to the Committee, each committee member must become familiar with these Rules and the Act.
  • The Committee is collectively responsible for ensuring that the Association complies with the Act and that individual members of the Committee comply with these Rules.
  • Committee members must exercise the member’s powers and discharge the member’s duties with reasonable care and diligence.
  • Committee members must exercise the member’s powers and discharge the member’s duties—
  • in good faith in the best interests of the Association; and
  • for a proper purpose.
  • Committee members and former committee members must not make improper use of -
  • the member’s, or former member’s, position; or
  • information acquired by virtue of holding the member’s, or former member’s, position - 

so as to gain an advantage for themselves or any other person or to cause detriment to the Association.

Note:  See also Division 3 of Part 6 of the Act which sets out the general duties of the office holders of an incorporated association.

  • In addition to any duties imposed by these Rules, a committee member must perform any other duties imposed from time to time by resolution at a general meeting.

Regulation 48 - Treasurer:

  • The Treasurer must—
  • receive all moneys paid to or received by the Association and issue receipts for those moneys in the name of the Association; and
  • ensure that all moneys received are paid into the account of the Association within 5 working days after receipt; and
  • make any payments authorised by the Committee or by a general meeting of the Association from the Association's funds; and
  • ensure cheques are signed by at least 2 committee members.
  • The Treasurer must—
  • ensure that the financial records of the Association are kept in accordance with the Act; and
  • coordinate the preparation of the financial statements of the Association and their certification by the Committee prior to their submission to the annual general meeting of the Association.
  • The Treasurer must ensure that at least one other committee member has access to the accounts and financial records of the Association.


Reviewed annually

Last reviewed by: Nolan, Carissa, Steph                                                                                    


Date: 2 July 2024

Express an Interest

Once you have filled in the following form, your details will be emailed directly to Firekeepers Incorporated. They will contact you on the telephone number and/or email address you provide. We will not disclose your details to anyone apart from the recruiting organisation.

By filling in this form you acknowledge and agree to Our Community's privacy statement.

Good luck with your search!

Your Details