Future Living


Role: Chair, General Board Member Type: Not-for-Profit & Community Organisations Location: City of Nedlands, Western Australia
Human services
Annual Budget: $250,001-$750,000
Number of Paid Staff: 4 - 10
Number of Volunteers: 6-20
Current Board Size: 8-12
Board Meetings (frequency): every two months
Board Meetings Held: During Day

Area of Expertise Being Sought:
Fundraising, Marketing / Branding, Media / Communications / Public Relations

Board Meetings (Mode):


Nil - honorary role

Any further information about this vacancy:

Future Living

Board Position Commencing October 2024

Future Living is a WA based not-for-profit organisation established in 1989, offering services that are unique in the disability landscape. While most disability services focus on the immediate needs of today, we assist the parents of individuals with disability to plan for the long-term future, including the time when parents or family are no longer able to provide support.

We do this through a range of education, advice and support services that enable parents to:

  • Assess their options, including will and estate planning;
  • Make a plan with clear provision for their son or daughter’s long-term financial security, accommodation security and personal wellbeing.

Then when the time comes, Future Living is there to Protect the individual’s ongoing wellbeing through agreed services such as a managed trust fund, residential property management and coordinating regular independent visits.

The ultimate aim of Future Living is to give parents and other family members peace of mind by knowing there is someone they can rely on to be there for the long-term and help safeguard their family member for life.



This is an opportunity to join the Board of this unique, future-focused disability organisation and help to make a genuine difference for individuals with disability and their families.

We are seeking to appoint 1 new Board Member at our October 2024 AGM.

This position could also be a Chair-Elect role, as our Chair is due to step down after the 2025 AGM.

We are building our marketing and fundraising capacity at both Board and operational levels, and the preferred skills and experience for this vacancy include:

  1. Passion to make a difference to the lives of everyday individuals and families, and to support those who are otherwise vulnerable.
  2. Experience in fundraising, philanthropy or related disciplines of marketing, communications and stakeholder engagement.

Other desirable and valuable capabilities include:

  1. Networks in the business sector and not-for-profit sector.
  2. A background in either legal or financial services, including wills, estates, managed trusts and the relevant regulatory environment.
  3. GAICD qualification.


About the Future Living Board

Our Board comprises between 7 and 9 members with:

  1. Up to 5 persons appointed by the Board, and
  2. Between 2-4 persons elected by the members of Future Living.
  3. At least 2 Board members who have a family member with a disability.


Director Responsibilities:

  • Attend board meetings and any relevant sub-committee meetings.
  • Review agenda and supporting documents prior to meetings.
  • Contribute to the strategic direction and governance of the organisation.
  • Participate in periodic fundraising activities and special events.
  • Keep current on issues and developments in the disability sector.


Time Demands (approximate):

  • Board meetings (8 meetings per year, 2 hours in length).
  • Annual General Meeting (approx. 1 hour).
  • Quarterly sub-committee meetings and related work. Current sub-committees are Finance and Investment (FISC), Marketing and Fundraising (MAFS), Quality and Safeguarding.
  • Strategic planning forum (once every 3 years).
  • Special events such as fundraising or client event (average 1 per year).


How to Apply

To apply, please forward an expression of interest to info@futureliving.org.au describing your interest and response to the preferred requirements by 31August 2024.

Our aim is to identify suitable candidates by the end of September 2024 and formally appoint these positions at the October 2024 AGM. Board appointments are a voluntary position for a term of 3 years, renewable with no maximum on the number of terms.


Contact Information

You can read more about Future Living at our website www.futureliving.org.au.

You can also contact Chairperson Julie Beeck for more information at


Duty Statement: Select State/Region

Express an Interest

Once you have filled in the following form, your details will be emailed directly to Future Living. They will contact you on the telephone number and/or email address you provide. We will not disclose your details to anyone apart from the recruiting organisation.

By filling in this form you acknowledge and agree to Our Community's privacy statement.

Good luck with your search!

Your Details