Market Forces Limited

Role: General Board Member, Non-executive board member Type: Not-for-Profit & Community Organisations Location: Victoria, Melbourne City Council
Environment Human rights
Annual Budget: more than $1,500,000
Number of Paid Staff: 21 - 50
Number of Volunteers: 0
Current Board Size: 4-7
Board Meetings (frequency): every two months
Board Meetings Held: During Day

Area of Expertise Being Sought:
Accounting / Finance / Investment, Risk Management

Board Meetings (Mode):
Face-to-face, Online/Dial-in, Prefer face to face

English as an additional language or dialect

Nil - honorary role

Any further information about this vacancy:

About us

Since 2013, Market Forces has been at the forefront of campaigns to shift finance and investment away from activities that worsen climate change and towards climate solutions in the Australasian region.

The climate crisis is growing ever more acute, and the work of our thirty-strong team has never been more important.

Our Board

The Market Forces board currently has 5 members.  We are seeking to strengthen the board with additional directors who can bring skills and experience to support and guide an organisation hungry to expand its campaigning agenda.

About the role

Market Forces directors have oversight of the organisation’s program of work and establish the appropriate systems of governance, communication and support that allow the CEO and staff to deliver our program.

Directors are expected to:

  • attend face to face formal meetings in Melbourne, of which there are six per year,
  • be available to conduct business on an ad-hoc basis between meetings or arrange informal meetings and conversations,
  • proactively identify risks and opportunities to the organisation,
  • where appropriate, advocate publicly and in their own networks for the objects of the organisation,
  • be available to staff, especially senior staff, to provide input and advice, and
  • monitor and uphold the performance of the organisation against agreed objectives, policies and targets.

All Board members are expected to have broad governance capabilities, as well as specific skills and expertise relevant to supporting Market Forces’ strategy.

The Board will be comprised of members who collectively possess key competencies including, but not limited to: campaigning and advocacy; environmental policy and strategy; organisational management and corporate governance;  knowledge and experience of the financial sector; financial management; legal expertise; philanthropic knowledge; organisational strategy; audit; risk; community and stakeholder engagement.

We also aim to be a diverse board in terms of gender, cultural/social backgrounds, professional experience and approaches to problem-solving and decision-making.

Presently we are prioritising directors with established skillsets and demonstrated experience of finance and auditing, but we are open to directors that bring other relevant skills and experience to the board.

About you

We’re looking to meet prospective directors who understand the importance and value of the organisation’s mission and objects and are personally dedicated to the causes of environmental and climate protection.

You will have:

  • experience as a non-executive director, preferably in a not-for-profit company;
  • strong financial and governance literacy;
  • a collegiate and empathetic manner, especially in the context of meetings with other board members and executives;
  • curiosity and an inquiring mindset about board and management decision-making;
  • strongly preferred: experience in finance and audit support functions.


And of course, you will have or can obtain a Director Identification Number prior to joining the board.


To apply

We ask interested candidates to provide a written statement of claim that addresses the above specification, including your motivation and how you believe to be your director value proposition would impact Market Forces.


For applications or inquiries please send  to

Express an Interest

Once you have filled in the following form, your details will be emailed directly to Market Forces Limited. They will contact you on the telephone number and/or email address you provide. We will not disclose your details to anyone apart from the recruiting organisation.

By filling in this form you acknowledge and agree to Our Community's privacy statement.

Good luck with your search!

Your Details