Media Release


The following is a list of potential grant writers who may be able to assist you in developing or refining your grant applications.

Please note that Our Community does not endorse or make recommendations about any of the people listed or the services offered. This listing has been provided as a service and we recommend that you undertake the usual due diligence before engagement such as doing background reviews, interviews and reference checks.


Name: Jennifer Alderton
Phone: Mobile: 0422690735
Website: n/a
Prepares proposals for these state/s or region/s:All states and Northern Territory in Australia
Area of expertise (if specialist): Funding grants have been applied for in the health, disability, education & community non profit sector.
Community organisations previously represented:Australian Speak Easy Association Inc.
Professional affilitations: n/a
Area of focus: Sourcing of grants suitable for the individual organisation, submitting the grant application; coordinating the project if applicable.

Name: Maree McEvoy
Organisation: Ideas That Work
Phone: (03) 9525 1407 or 0411 471 705
Prepares proposals for these state/s or region/s: National
Area of expertise (if specialist): Work extensively in Disabilities area.
Community organisations previously represented: N/ A
Professional affiliations: N/ A
Area of Focus: Special offer of assistance for organisations developing a funding submission that has a video component. We would be delighted to assist you with the submission (which will be usually on a no cost basis) on the understanding that if funding is sourced then Ideas That Work would be commissioned to produce the video.

New South Wales:

Name: Hayley Hext
Phone: 02 9219 2004
Website: Prepares proposals for these state/s or region/s: regionally (mostly Sydney) and nationally
Area of expertise (if specialist): Australian Trusts and Foundations, Corporate partnerships, account managing relationships
Community organisations previously represented: Mission Australia and have given adhoc advice to other non profit organisations
Professional affilitations: FIA and Philanthropy Australia
Area of focus: Over 3 year I have written over 50 proposals for community services ie homelessness, children and families, youth and other social issues, seeking capital, equipment, operating funds, pro bono, in kind, volunteering, multifaceted partnerships.  I can help grant seekers to understand what a grant maker is looking/asking for and how to answer their questions in a proposal.

Name: Cameron Seagrave
Phone:  07 54633046
Website: nil
Prepares proposals for these state/s or region/s: Queensland all funding bodies; Other States - Federal programs
Area of expertise (if specialist): Have successfully applied for federal and state government grants
Community organisations previously represented: Boonah Landcare, Bremer Catchment Association, Boonah District Kindergarten, Boonah Preschool, RIM FM, Roadvale School of Arts, Fassifern Cricket Association, Fassifern Tennis Association, Salvation Army and many more
Professional affilitations: Boonah Shire Council, WESROC, SEQROC-EDWG, LGAQ, NRM, DPI, Ipswich Regional Area Consultative Committee - member of Projects Committee- Project Assessment for applications made for Federal Funding.
Area of focus: Have broad experience in all areas of funding including:- environment, education, community, local government etc... I have exceptional skills in the following areas:- laying out an application, letters of support, writing an application, terminology used in an application, budget design, monitoring and evaluation design, timing, reviewing an application and what happens after you are successful in obtaining a grant.

Victoria: <>Name: Kylie McRae
Phone: 03 9889 1271 or 0414 808 713
Community organisations previously represented: Ex Administrator of Ian Potter Foundation
Professional affiliations: n/ A
Area of focus: Works to add value to grantseeking activities by building the capacity of fundraising campaigns and auditing (or strengthening) grant applications.

Name: Rina R. Rosen
Phone: 03 9530 2800 / 0401 066 386
Website: N/A (until further notice)
Prepares proposals for these state/s or region/s: All over the internet/fax/mail
Area of expertise (if specialist): All areas of Fundraising and Volunteer Management. Major Gifts, Grassroots Fundraising, Communications, Volunteers, Grants, [If you wish to put grants first, in the line, feel free] Bequests, Corporate Sponsorship, In-kind donations, membership, etc.
Community organisations previously represented: Friends of the Earth, Australian Conservation Foundation, International Women's Development Agency, and 3CR Community Radio.
Professional affilitations: Professional Fundraiser from the Association of Fundraising Professionals (N. America) and affiliate member of the Fundraising Institute of Australia.
Area of focus: Human Rights and Environment background, including work with service centered charities and non-profits.

If you are interested in having your name added to this list, please email after competing the following template. Listing is at the discretion of Our Community and please note that this is a free service to our community members and users. Our Community makes no representations or guarantees about the credentials of the listing.

Prepares proposals for these state/s or region/s: Area of expertise (if specialist):
Community organisations previously represented:
Professional affiliations:
Area of focus: (2 lines on background).

Our Community Pty Ltd
ABN 24 094 608 705

National Headquarters:
Our Community House
552 Victoria Street
North Melbourne, Victoria, 3051

Postal Address:
PO BOX 354, North Melbourne
Victoria 3051 Australia

(03) 9320 6800
