Media Release

February 21, 2011

A search has been launched to unearth Australia's three greatest voluntary community treasurers.

The Westpac Community Treasurers' Awards, an initiative of Our Community and Westpac, were launched in Melbourne on Friday, February 18.

Now in its third year, the competition aims to highlight the voluntary, largely unsung work carried out by the voluntary treasurers working in community groups across the nation.

Winners will be chosen in three categories - for small, medium and large organisations, with a total prize package of $30,000 up for grabs.

"There are more than 600,000 community groups in Australia, each one of them working to bind our towns and suburbs together by providing a range of sports, arts, cultural, mutual support and community service opportunities," said Our Community Group Managing Director Denis Moriarty.

"Every single one of these groups relies on the work of a treasurer. It's often the toughest job in the place, and the hardest to fill. These awards are designed to say thanks to those hard-working men and women who take up the challenge."

The Community Treasurers' Awards were first run in 2009, when they were launched by Federal Treasurer Wayne Swan and Westpac CEO Gail Kelly.

The 2009 winners were serving as treasurers of a preschool, a football club and a surf life saving club, while last year's winners were drawn from an orchid society, a rowing club and a disability support organisation. Entries were received from right across the country.

The awards are part of the joint work being carried out by Our Community and Westpac to strengthen the financial literacy of the community sector. Other initiatives include distribution of free financial literacy guides and help sheets, and provision of training and support.

"We consider the Westpac Community Treasurers' Awards a fitting way to show our appreciation for the immense contribution made by Australia's volunteer groups," said Westpac's Head of Social Sector Banking Julienne Price.

"Our honorary treasurers are at the heart of the groups which are at the heart of our communities - these are people who deserve our thanks and recognition.

"Westpac's close working relationship with thousands of community groups gives us a special perspective on the social sector. We know how much these people give - we would like to give something back."

Winners of the 2011 Awards will receive a cash prize of $5000 for their community group, plus a trophy and $5000 worth of tools and training.

Entry forms for the 2011 Westpac Community Treasurers' Awards are available by visiting

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