Communities in Control 2014 "Speakers in Focus" series.

The Hon. Michael Kirby AC, CMG,
Former High Court Justice; human rights activist; community leader

Leaders Walking Eight Abreast:
How to distribute leadership to the grass roots

Communities in Control: May 27

Michael Kirby

Michael Kirby made an indelible mark on the High Court bench during his 13-year service from 1996 to 2009. He was often at odds with his colleagues, sometimes the sole dissenter, but he still in many ways shaped the way we now think about human rights in Australia.

Mr Kirby has not been frightened to stand up outside the courtroom, either, placing himself on the front line of many hard-fought struggles.

He appreciates that leadership in a democracy involves the ability to persuade, engage, and involve other people you can neither bribe nor threaten. He knows the importance of listening to criticism, and of keeping a sense of humour, and of repackaging your new ideas in uncontroversial wrappings.

He knows the temptations of complacency, arrogance and self-assurance. He knows the power of example, and of hard work, persistence, and never ever giving up or letting go.

If anyone knows about leadership, Michael Kirby does. Australia has so many blessings that it should produce countless leaders, he tells us. We have little to fear, and much to gain - why do we hang back? For many of us, yes, there are barriers - xenophobia, racism, discrimination, inequality of opportunity. We hold down the talent and energy of others lest they threaten our traditional predominance.

We face political challenges, economic challenges, resource use challenges, environmental challenges - wicked problems that can be mastered only if we trust each other enough to pull together in the same direction.

We can't afford to lose the insights that the outgroups have to offer. Tolerance is not enough. We must embrace diversity. We can't afford to wait until the difficulties miraculously resolve of their own accord. We can't wait for somebody else to step in and fix things. We need leaders, and we need to be leaders.

Michael Kirby's words and deeds have often surprised and moved us, and he continues to map out new frontiers of service and adventure. You can hear Michael Kirby's leadership oration during the two-day Communities in Control Conference on May 26 and 27.

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