Communities in Control 2014: Speakers in Focus

The Hon Julia Gillard,
Former Prime Minister of Australia

The 2014 Joan Kirner Social Justice Oration: May 26

Julia Gillard

Everybody is entitled to equal respect. Everybody should get a fair go.

In this world, though, there's often a gap between people's rights and entitlements and the reality of people's lives.

Social justice is about closing that gap in ways that are inclusive, empowering and collaborative.

Such work is relentless; it's sometimes slow to bear fruit. But when it works, and it often does, it's life-changing to all those involved.

The Joan Kirner Social Justice Oration was introduced to the Communities in Control program in 2011 to shine a light on the people, groups and initiatives pushing social reform uphill - to inspire those who care about equality to keep on pushing.

In 2014, the Joan Kirner Social Justice Oration will be delivered by Australia's first female Prime Minister, The Hon Julia Gillard.

Ms Gillard was born in Wales before migrating to South Australia in 1966. In 1982, she moved to Melbourne, graduating from the University of Melbourne in 1986. She worked at law firm Slater and Gordon, specialising in industrial law, before entering politics.

Ms Gillard presided over a range of shadow portfolios including Population and Immigration, Reconciliation and Indigenous Affairs, and Health, becoming Deputy Opposition Leader in December 2006.

In government, she served as Deputy Prime Minister (the first woman to undertake this role), as well as Minister for Education, Employment, Workplace Relations, and Social Inclusion.

In June 2010, after Kevin Rudd lost the support of his party, Ms Gillard was elected unopposed as the Leader of the Labor Party, becoming the 27th Prime Minister of Australia. Three years later, the tables turned again and she lost the leadership, and Prime Ministership, to Kevin Rudd.

Ms Gillard's term as prime minister will be remembered for many things - a hung parliament, a renewed (and often bitterly fought) focus on gender equality, but also a raft of socially progressive reforms and new initiatives, among them the introduction of the National Disability Insurance Scheme and carbon tax, Gonski school reforms, and stewardship of the National Broadband Network and Australia's first paid parental leave scheme.

Reflecting Ms Gillard's passion for education, since leaving politics she has taken up a position as Chair of the Global Partnership for Education. She is also Honorary Visiting Professor at the University of Adelaide.

You can hear Ms Gillard deliver the 2014 Joan Kirner Social Justice Oration at Communities in Control in Melbourne on May 26.

The oration was named for one of Australia's most enduring social justice campaigners, former Premier of Victoria The Hon. Joan Kirner AC. Selfless, ceaseless, clever, compassionate - Ms Kirner is the embodiment of the ideal social justice campaigner. She will join us on May 26 to provide a response to Ms Gillard's speech.

You can find out more about the 2014 Communities in Control program and book your spot at: